Bruising and swelling on the eyes will be at the highest level on the second day of the postoperative period. Patients should not be concerned with this situation. Because this appearance disappears...
Why can't I get an easy breath?If you have a breathing problem, it can be corrected together with rhinoplasty operation. In other words, septum deviation surgery or concha bullosa surgery can be...
Mini Rhinoplasty
Mini rhinoplasty operations are a type of nose aesthetics during which not the whole nose is intervened, which are performed in a shorter time compared to rhinoplasty operations, performed under...
Nose Types
Big NoseIt is a large nose as proportional to the face and bigger than normal when looking from the profile. These types of noses are reformed as smaller, natural and functional nose as compatible...
Before Rhinoplasty Operation
Patients should think about the reasons why they want to undergo this operation, determine their expectations from this operation and share these with their surgeons before the operation. Every...